Phase I - Development of 62.54 acres of land, road networks, electrical installations, drainage systems, water supply and construction of:
- Research and Development Centre
- Testing and Quality Control Centre
- Training and Information Centre
- Business Incubation Centre
- Rubber Products Exhibition Centre
- Warehouses
- Working person’s hostel
Phase II - Development of 100 acres of land, with 20 acres designated as Green Zone.
Research and Development Centre
Research and Development Centre aims to ensure quality of products and facilitate both product and process diversification, helping new and existing units to become competitive nationally and internationally. The R&D centre envisages providing assistance and support to Natural Rubber-based industries in adopting, adapting, and accessing latest and emerging technologies in the sector.
Testing and Quality Control Centre
Testing and Quality Control Centre proposes to offer end-to-end testing services for selected products and provide quality certification to natural rubber based industries to help them gain competitive edge in the market.
Business Incubation Centre
Business Incubation Center is designed for supporting entrepreneurs in various ways, including guidance to meet quality standards, introduction to new products with steady market presence, coordination with governmental and promotional institutions to provide seamless services etc.
Rubber Products Exhibition Centre
Rubber Products Exhibition Centre intends to serve as a Knowledge Centre and Museum to showcase rubber products marketed worldwide - display rubber products manufactured by the units to be set up in the industrial complex and elsewhere, assist entrepreneurs and investors in understanding limitless possibilities of Natural rubber. The Exhibition Centre will also host trade shows, business meetings, and other events.
Rubber Products Sterilisation Centre
Rubber Products Sterilisation Centre intends to provide latest technologies available for sterilisation of latex products. This will enable national and international marketing of these products while ensuring that they meet statutory requirements for safety and quality.
Other Initiatives
Kerala Rubber Ltd. also plans to establish the following:
- Tyre Powdering Unit to cater to the needs of manufacturers and ensure the recycling and reuse of end-of-life tyres.
- Production for custom-made, product-specific lattices and compounds.
- Tyre Testing Centre with test track and other facilities as needed by the industry.
Common facilities to include:
- Warehouses for raw materials and finished products, raw material bank.
- Central Tool Room and Engineering workshop for the fabrication and maintenance of moulds.
- Central Mixing Plant.
- Latex Compounding and Pre-vulcanization.
- State of the art Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP).