KRL proposes to conduct a one-day Industry Interactive Forum for Moulded Rubber goods Manufacturers
Capitalising on the vast and growing demand for moulded rubber goods in domestic and world markets in the context of integrated markets entails enhancing and sustaining global competitiveness in the core areas of cost, quality, safety and marketing. This necessitates acquiring the latest information on core areas from relevant and well-informed experts, and constant updating.
In this context KRL proposes to conduct a one-day Industry Interactive Forum for Moulded Rubber goods Manufacturers at Hotel Aida, Kottayam on 23rd June 2023 from 9:30 am onwards. Kindly register and confirm participation.

Presenting Project Report of Kerala Rubber Limited to Hon’ble Minister for Law, Industries & Coir, Shri. P. Rajeeve on 22 nd August 2022.
Smt. Sheela Thomas, Chairperson and Managing Director of KRL submitted the DPR of KRL projects to Hon’ble Minister for Law, Industries & Coir, Shri. P. Rajeeve in presence of Shri. Suman Billa IAS (Principal Secretary Industries), Dr. K.N. Raghavan IRS (Executive Director, Rubber Board), Shri. Harikishore S. IAS (Director Industries & Commerce) and Shri. Santhosh Koshy Thomas (Managing Director, KINFRA).